Fork 0
2020-12-05 12:10:48 +00:00

44 lines
1.3 KiB

import Data.List (sort)
main :: IO()
main = do
input <- readFile "input"
print . mySeat . map seatId . map seat . lines $ input
mySeat :: [Int] -> Int
mySeat = findGap . sort
findGap :: [Int] -> Int
findGap (a:b:rest)
| (b - a) > 1 = b - 1
| otherwise = findGap $ b:rest
seatId :: (Int, Int) -> Int
seatId (row, col) = (row * 8) + col
seat :: String -> (Int, Int)
seat line = (row fst, col snd) where (fst, snd) = splitAt 7 line
row :: String -> Int
row = partition 'F' 'B' 0 127
col :: String -> Int
col = partition 'L' 'R' 0 7
-- Perform binary space partition. The first two arguments are the characters
-- which indicate that the lower or upper part of the space will be used
-- respectively. The second two are the starting upper and lower bounds of the
-- search space. The last is the instructions string.
partition :: Char -> Char -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int
partition _ _ min _ [] = min
partition lowerC upperC min max str@(c:cs)
| c == upperC = partition' (mid min max) max cs
| c == lowerC = partition' min (mid min max) cs
| otherwise = partition' min max cs
where partition' = partition lowerC upperC
-- Find the midpoint of two integers, e.g. the midpoint of 0 and 7 is 4
mid :: Int -> Int -> Int
mid a b = div (a + b + 1) 2